
In 2013, Future Learning Lab teamed up with experts on sustainable development to create an immersive environment for student learning and awareness raising on issues relating to climate change and particularly climate change in the Arctic North. Several university departments with long traditions in the field, share their know-how with expert research arenas – some of which have UN affiliation. We have sought to invest in a close collaboration with media production units at two university campuses, in order to build competence on complex co-producton of learning material. And we have added a layer of professional documentary film production, with a group known internationally for innovative documentary film and cross-media design.

The project currently under way is a fairly substantial pilot study. A main project will hopefully commence sometime in 2016. This website info will be updated — at this point we are seeking a financial and scholarly foundation to produce a MOOC for our network, with potentially about 80 universities in the loop, though the University of the Arctic Network.