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World Learning Summit ´17 a Great Success!

campus_kristiansand_3x1_bannerSONY DSCEach year at the University of Agder, Future Learning Lab organizes an international conference on technology, media and learning. This year was no different. 140 attendees met on June 7th for an full-day open dialog with three keynoters and about 15 people participating in various plenary panels. The first keynote was given by Cathy Casserly, who is a former CEO of Creative Commons, an associate of Institute for the Future as well as a former consultant to a range of thought-leading companies. Cathy was also here last year. She is now a consultant for the National Science Foundation in the United States. The next two keynotes are long-time senior staff at UNESCO, with a focus on Open Education Resources: Sir John Daniel and Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic.

Open Education Resources (OER) was the key theme on the first day of the summit for all three keynotes. You can read more about it here:

On the following two days, we had academic workshops with a wide range of project presentations and scientific publications presentations from our soon to come out WLS Scientific Proceedings. Here is the program.

joseph.press_We also ran a keynote particularly aimed at the debate concerning 21.Century Skills and the future challenge of matching work with education skills and competency needs. Keynote speaker was Dr. Joseph Press, who works with the Center for Creative Leadership in Zürich Switzerland. A stellar workshop that falls well in with the Future Learning Lab´s research agenda.

The scientific proceedings was a new feature of the summit this year. Another new feature was the implementation of student assistants in research. About ten students participated with making short videos. These were uploaded to our website. You can find them here: Twitter.

In the time to come we will present more results from the conference. Stay tuned.
