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Welcome to World Learning Summit 2016

South Norway, University of Agder June 14th – 16th


Future Learning Lab is pleased to announce the first World Learning Summit, based on our previous conferences uniting entrepreneurs, academic researchers and developers engaged in uses of technology in learning. The 2016 World Learning Summit starts on June 14th featuring among others Peter Norvig – chief scientist at Google. On June 15th and 16th, there will be workshops, group conversations and other interactions. Check out our detailed program here:

UiA Campus
As usual at our conferences the 2016 summit will blend world class talks on the future of learning and education with case demonstrations of new tools, services and ideas innovating life long learning. After the June 13th summit opening follows two days of meetings in (1) The academic track, (2) The corporate learning track, and (3) The Entrepreneurs track. Go to our Summit Main Page for all the details.