World Learning Summit 2018

Program details

Day 1

Plenary program

08:30 Registration and coffee
09:00 Welcome adresses
Oddgeir Tveiten: Professor, University of Agder
Keith Devlin: Executive Director, HStar Institute, Stanford University
Astrid Eggen: Vice President of Education, University of Agder 

Opening keynote
Kristin Stefansdóttir — University of Iceland President 2004 – 2014
Higher Education in the age of digitalization and globalization: Nordic experiences and challenges

Hosted by Cathy Casserly, Research Project Director – Hewlett Foundation
Commentary by June Breivik, Direktør i Kulturtanken (Ministry of Culture)


Roundtable discussion

12:00 LUNCH  

Afternoon keynote
Michael Shanks – Professor, Stanford University
Digital Humanities: Spaces and places of learning in the age of machines – before we get to the answers; what are the questions? 

Hosted by Donna Kidwell, Future Learning Lab co-chair • University of Agder


Entrepreneur in residence
Karl Mehta – Founder of EdCast, Silicon Valley Investor, World Economic Forum Fellow, and Innovation Fellow at the White House, 2011-2012
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: How technology is reshaping global learning – Scenario 2030

Hosted by Tone Ringstad, Center for Creative Leadership


Roundtable discussion
Hosted by Keith Devlin, Executive Director, HStar Institute, Stanford University
Gard Titlestad (ICDE) • June Breivik (Kulturtanken) • NN (SIU) • NN (RCN) • NN (Media)


Fireside chat
Donna Kidwell, Michael Shanks, Karl Mehta, Kristin Stefansdóttir
Imagine Life Long Learning • Take-away from WLS 2018

Hosted by Oddgeir Tveiten, University of Agder

17:00 END  
Christiansholm Fortress, Kristiansand