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Mid November 2015: Following up on our September – October 2014 workshop at Stanford University, the Future Learning Network will be hosting our annual 2015 conference around the same time and theme: Imagine Classrooms of Tomorrow. At the workshop in 2014, we invited a range of different perspectives – brought up and presented by academics, entrepreneurs, media commentators and more. The end result was a solid learning experience and a better network.

At the conference in 2015,our hope is to achieve more of the same, for more people — growing the network. We have some exciting speakers, a very nice venue, and the support of the Nordic community of innovators and interest parties in Silicon Valley. Our hope is that as many as possible of our Nordic peers will seek out the conference, join the network and otherwise partner with us to make it a solid event.

beautiful girl playing with colorsFor the conference poster, program and updates, please go to this poster page. Please continue to come back. The closer we get to the conference, the more frequent will be the postings and updates.