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World Learning Summit 2018

World Learning Summit University of Agder, Kristiansand, South Norway, Norway

Stanford Silicon Valley workshop, Jan 14th – 16th 2019

Our annual Silicon Valley workshop this year includes a seminar at Stanford University, atop level meeting at Salesforce, as well as executive presentations at Google, Apple and EdCast. The event is fully booked, with about 25 public and private managers from Norway and about 10 speakers from Silicon Valley. 

World Learning Summit 2019

World Learning Summit University of Agder, Kristiansand, South Norway, Norway

World Learning Summit is an annual conference on learning, education and social change. Key focus: Technological change and the cultural dimensions of learning • connecting educational technology with the humanities and social science.

€100 – €600

FLL project proposal workshop

Future Learning Lab Kristiansand, Norway

Meeting at Kristiansand Campus to review proposal status and coming deadlines, for those who wish to attend.  Simple meeting, no lunch -- coordinated by Oddgeir and Carol (Azungi -- new research group member) Please let me know by mail if you plan to attend.