MPC-e1411693340465-313x400We´re pleased to be able to include Michael Carter in our Future Learning Lab expert panel. Mike has a deep interest in learning and a better basis for refection on emergent technologies than most: From his background in Silicon Valley high-tech to his current interest in K8 an K12 learning by gaming, he is an extremely valuable addition to our team. Read the rest of his bio here.

At our conference in May 2015, we will run an invitation-based workshop on game based learning particularly aimed at contemporary issues like climate change, and how to tell that story in a persuasive and action-changing manner using game-based story-telling strategies. Mike will be with us for that workshop, and we look forward to it.

From his bio you can read this, among other things.

His academic career includes professing history at Dartmouth and directing academic computing at Stanford. As Co-PI of an ethnographic study of digital youth he helped scholars and teachers learn what kids do online. He edited and published essays, reports, and a new journal on digital media and learning for the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation with the MIT Press.

At Digital Pictures Mike created What’s My Story? to help children learn to speak for themselves. As Chief Playwright at he designed and produced games for kids in a virtual world. He helped design a new generation of online mathematics courses for the William and Flora Hewlett and Bill & Melinda Gates foundations and created over a dozen math games to accompany them (