Scientific publications


Lazareva, A. (2018). Factors affecting student engagement in online collaborative learning courses. In M. E. Auer et al. (eds.), Teaching and Learning in a Digital World, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 716. Springer International Publishing.

Aagaard T., Swanberg A.B., Hjukse H., Tveiten, O., Steen-Utheim A.T., Grøndal I.C., Breivik J,. (2018). Technology and new educational practices: Video stories as tool for promoting pedagogical reflection? UNIPED, in press. ISSN 1893-8981.


Haugen, H., Ask, B. & Bjoerke, S.A. (2017). Training Teachers at all Levels in Pedagogical Approaches and Methods for Online and Blended Learning. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2017 (pp. 1598-1606). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Schulz, R., Lazareva, A., Isabwe, M., & Prinz, A. (2017). Higher education teachers meet mobile technology: Application and acceptance. Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), Barcelona, Spain.

Øysæd, H., Andersen, R., Garmannslund, P. E., Prinz, A., Lazareva, A., & Schmidt, M. (2017). Does the teaching of an overall study strategy empower students to use study strategies? Proceedings of 2017 International conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville, Spain.

Lazareva, A. (2017). A framework for small group support in online collaborative learning: Combining collaboration scripts and online tutoring. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), Porto, Portugal.

Lazareva, A. (2017). “Role of the online tutor in establishing social presence in asynchronous text-based collaborative learning environments”, in Proceedings of the 19th Interactive Collaborative Learning Conference (Volume 1). Springer International Publishing.

Lazareva, A. (2017). Facilitating synchronous collaborative writing with a collaboration script. Proceedings of the 2017 International conference on Information Systems Development (ISD), Larnaca, Cyprus.

Nampiija, D. (2017) Mobile Technologies as tools for Learning in Non-formal contexts. Experiences with Smallholders farmers in Resource Limited Settings, World Learning Summit Official Proceedings, Berlin: Logos Verlag, pp. 95-107. 

Stracke, C.M., Tveiten, O. & Shanks, M. (2017) Smart Universities: Education’s Digital Future, World Learning Summit Official Proceedings, Berlin: Logos Verlag, pp. 7-10. 

Stracke, C.M. (2017) The Quality of Open Online Education and Learning: A Quality Reference Framework for MOOCs, World Learning Summit Official Proceedings, Berlin: Logos Verlag, pp. 93-95.

Tan, E., Stracke, C. M., Prokopowicz. M., Kővári. E., Kigyós, T., Csizmadia, T., Kronika.K., Fehérvölgyi.B., Erdős., K. (2017) Learning to learn: Beyond 2020, World Learning Summit Official Proceedings, Berlin: Logos Verlag, pp. 12-20. 

Trondsen, E. (2017) Nordic EdTech: Evolution, challenges, and opportunities, World Learning Summit Official Proceedings, Berlin: Logos Verlag, pp. 116-120

Tveiten, O. (2017) Contact Education: A theory Framework, World Learning Summit Official Proceedings, Berlin: Logos Verlag, pp. 82-93. 

Tveiten, O. (2017) MOOCing Journalism Education: Notes on the Emergent Learning Technology Industry, World Learning Summit Official Proceedings, Berlin: Logos Verlag, pp. 107-116. 

Øysæd, H., Andersen, R.,, Garmannslund P.E., Prinz, A.,, Lazareva, A-., Schmidt, M., (2017) Does The Introduction Of An Overall Study Strategy Empowering Students To Use Appropriate Study Strategies?. ICERI proceedings ISSN 2340-1095. s 4152 – 4157


Bjørke, S. Å. & Lazareva A. (2016). Tutoring in online and distance education. Symposium on Advances in Digital Technologies for University Teaching & Learning (D-TEL), Kristiansand, Norway.

Goth, UGS & Økland, Ø (2016) Helse- og oppvekstfag i en globalisert verden. I: Yrkes- og profesjonsutdanning i en norsk kontekst. Gyldendal Akademisk 2016 ISBN 9788205490789. s. 68-83, HIOA NLAH UIA 

Lazareva, A. (2016). Tutoring in online collaborative learning courses. Distance Education Leapfrogging Project Workshop (DELP), Kampala, Uganda.

Bjørke, S. Å. & Lazareva A. (2016). Peer assessment in online collaborative learning: Increasing performance. UiA-UNO Assessment Workshop, Omaha, USA.

Øysæd, H., Andersen,E., Prinz, A.,; Schulz, R.P. (2016) Teaching students to learn. I: CSEDU 2016 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, proceedings volume 1. SciTePress, ISBN 978-989-758-179-3. s. 91-98, UIA 


Khazanchi, D., Munkvold, B. E., & Lazareva, A. (2015). Towards a Contingency Theory of eLearning. Digital Media in Teaching and its Added Value, 35.

Lazareva, A. (2015). Designing engaging computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments: Online tutor as a provider of adaptive support. Symposium on Advances in Digital Technologies for University Teaching & Learning (D-TEL), Grimstad, Norway.

Lazareva, A. (2015). Promoting collaborative interactions in a learning management system. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Florence, Italy.

Fatahi, N. & Økland, Ø (2015) Difficulties and Possibilities in Kurdish Refugees’ Social Relationship and its Impact on their Psychosocial Well-Being. Journal of Family Medicine and Community Health 2015; Volum 2.(3)

Andersen, R., Prinz, A., Øysæd, H. (2015) How to Teach Habits?. in: Digital Media in Teaching and its Added Value. Waxmann Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8309-3287-1. s. 159-173, UIA


Økland, Ø.(2014) Dialogue and mission in a globalized world: Developments in the World Council of Churches and in the Lausanne Movement. I: The Lausanne movement: A range of perspectives. Regnum Books 2014 ISBN 978-1-908355-52-2. s. 367-382

Older, miscellaneous

Fjeldstad, KB; Omland, S. & Økland, Ø. (2013) Norske medier fra et norsk-somalisk perspektiv. I: Innvandrerungdom og mediebruk: Norsk-somalisk ungdom i en global medieverden. Portal forlag 2013 ISBN 978-82-92712-79-5. s. 72-88

Økland, Ø.(2013) Kommunikasjon. I: Folkehelse i et norsk perspektiv. Gyldendal Akademisk 2014 ISBN 9788205463950. s. 227-243

Haugen, H.; Ask, B.; Bjørke, S.Å. (2012) Preparing teachers for practicing ICT and e-learning. Article at International conference on education, research and innovation (ICERI)

Tveiten, O. (2013) “Forstå, forklare, forebygge”, Norsk Medietidsskrift

Økland, Ø. (2013) Å forstå ungdom i en ny global virkelighet. I: Innvandrerungdom og mediebruk: Norsk-somalisk ungdom i en global medieverden. Portal forlag 2013 ISBN 978-82-92712-79-5. s. 108-11

Other select publications


Keynote adresses, WLS

Jane-Frances, O.A., Agbu. (2017) Understanding ‘Smart University’ through Incidental Learning Experience of Open and Distance Education, Keynote at the 2017 World Learning Summit. World Learning Summit Official Scientific Proceedings 2017, Berlin: Logos Verlag

Stamenka, U.T., Daniel, J. (2017) Challenges of Openness and Quality for Smart Universities in the Post-Truth and Post-Trust Era. Keynote at the 2017 World Learning Summit. World Learning Summit Official Scientific Proceedings 2017, Berlin: Logos Verlag. 




Conference and Workshop plenary presentations

Tveiten, Oddgeir (2011) Presentation of FLL Sept 22_23rd 2011, joint interdisciplinary UiA-wide workshop. 

Older, miscellaneous